Dreamology | Book Review #2

Greetings fellow friends and bookworms!

How many books are you planning to read in your 2019 resolutions? Mine is 25 books, and currently I'm nowhere near half my target lol. I've read around 6 books, and this one is one of my wish list since 2018. It is Dreamology by Lucy Keating.

The cover is so pretty which is why I even bother putting it on my to-reads lol. So it's about a girl who's been dreaming of a boy she never met ever since she was little kid. But when she moved towns because of her parent's job, she met the guy in her dreams (literally) but he is apparently nowhere close to the characters of the guy she met in her dreams, even though they have the exact same physical characteristics. They were like the same person with different personalities (the guy in the girl's dream vs the guy at her school).
They have quite bad terms with each other, until one day, the girl's dreams are starting to come to life. She has to do whatever it takes to make everything back to normal.

So that's all I can remember about the story plot. For a non-fiction lovers like I do, I find it a little bit hard to relate to the girl since the way her dreams 'come to life', it just doesn't make any sense at all, even when the mysteries started to unfold. And the romance? Eh. So boring. I can't find that bond and excitement in their relationship, not to mention the feels. It felt really hurried and the writer can't seem to bother building their love-hate relationship at first sight and maybe turning them into friends first before making them feel head over heels for each other? No. The author creates this 'connections' between them, and only between them -- not even the readers can feel where this connection came from.

The only good thing I can personally mention is how this book tells you that there are no dreams high enough for them to not come true. Anything could happen, so dream. Don't be afraid. Just dream.

It's a 2.5/5*
