Learning the Honest Ways

It takes quite some time to come back and keep this blog rollin again!
I've been busy finishing my thesis and finally, reached the point where I can come up with the news that now I'm unofficially graduated from college! All praises to Allah.

Happy Ied Mubarak 1440H to anyone celebrating! It's been a busy day for me to visit and bond with my family. Ied Mubarak is always so exhausting for an introverted person like me lol. But let's move on with the real point of this blog post, which is something that I come up with about being 'honest' with yourself.

What does it mean to be honest with ourselves? In my opinion, it means being true to what we think and feel. For example, doing the things that we want to do without being afraid to be judged or critized by other people by doing so. I think for all these 22 years of my life, I haven't been really honest with myself and I'm fckin tired of being the way that I am now.

Are you the type of person who prioritized other's views and opinions above yourself? Doing something that you don't really wanna do, because others told you so? Afraid to do something that you like because you're afraid of how others will think of you? Yup. That's all me.

I'm 22 and I don't know if I'm gonna live past 40 or even 30. I realized that I should live to the fullest and enjoy every bit of decision I'm making. I'm gonna break it down in points so that it help enhances something that I need to do to be truly honest with myself from now on:

1. Stop being with toxic people that would only bring you down. Like someone who to critizice everything you do and make fun of the way you do things. I fckin hate them, like can't you see that bringing other people down means that they're actually above you?? *I'm not saying I'm actually above anyone. But it helps convey the point that I wanna make.

2. Do every single thing that you've been afraid to do all this time. Of course, something that actually matter in making your life better. For instance, if you're like me and is not quite fond of public speaking, maybe try to, I don't know, speak in front of many people??

3. Getting out of my comfort zone. You've been fckin live in it for the whole 22 years. It's time to come out from the rabbit hole.

4. Not being too self-oriented, but don't be other-oriented as well? I would like to say that our self is number one to prioritize and take care of. Don't conclude yourself in something or someone you don't like. But on the other hand, it's not always bad to make others happy if that's something we could do.

5. Time is precious so stop spending it on your god damn phone like you're actually doing something worthy with it?? I'm actually thinking on taking hiatus from my personal Instagram since I'm feeling that it's a time trasher. But I'm gonna take some easy little steps before that could happen, like, maybe, reducing my time with Instagram.

6. Quit spending money on something impulsive and start valuing them. Since I have to start making my own money soon. Ten fingers collide. ✋✋
