A Week of Mondays | Book Review #5

Hi, it’s been a while isn’t it?! 

I was so busy with my final college project a.k.a thesis that I hadn’t much free time to read. I am still busy now though. Lol.
SO!!!!! Put aside my unimportant whine about my thesis, I still managed to finish a single book. As usual, it’s still a YA romance, the genres I found hard to separate with. This one tho, it’s kinda mixed with scifi I think. Because this time, there’s a little spice of ‘an-invisible-force-playing-with-our-life’ which is about time loop. It is called “A Week of Mondays” by Jessica Brody. 

The story centered on an ordinary high school girl named Ellison ‘Ellie’, Tristan the cool, playboy, vocalist of a rock band, and Owen the best friend of Ellie. Ellie is having a rough Monday where it’s raining in the morning, caught in traffic ticket for disobeying the traffic light, ruining her speech for vice presidential campaign, and the worst of all is that Tristan breaks up with her. All seems unfixable that day, and Ellie prayed that she could have the chance to fix it and make it all better. It seems like her voice is heard, and God granted her a week full of Mondays. The same Monday. When it rained in the morning. When she got the tickets. When she ruined her speech. When Tristan broke up with her.  Indeed, it is a chance to fix everything, and she believed that by preventing Tristan to break up with her is the only way to break the loop. The question is, will she finally manage to make things right with Tristan? And what of Owen, when she feels that Ellie is no longer herself when she’s with Tristan?  

I always loved the idea of a time-loop-themed story. It feels so mysterious and I can’t help but to wonder what will happen at the end, and how the character finally reveals what is actually wrong and how she will make it right. It’s a light YA romance centered in high school background, which is perfect for everyone who loves this kind of setting. I'm 22 and still can't move on from cheesy teenage love stories especially in high school or college. 

When reading a story with time loops, we have to get ready for plot repeatings over and over again. Honestly, that's the one thing that keeps me from fully enjoying this book since it got a bit boring from the middle towards the end for me. All I cared for was how she finally breaks free from the loop of bad Mondays. 

It's a 3/5⭐ for me.
